The University should give compulsory consent classes 

Passed: November 2020 (24th)

What do you want? / Why do you want it? 

We would like to create compulsory consent classes for all students at the University of Leeds. There are too to many incidents of rape and sexual assaults at Leeds. This idea could be a solution as it would reach all students and give them a competent understanding of consent. 

Expires: November 2023 (24th)

Submitted By: Lily Darling & Ella Aylmer 

Officer: Wellbeing / Education 

Area of Work: Student Safety 


Jan 2023: Module rolled out with over 400 students undertaking the 45 minute voluntary module, named Supporting Healthy Relationships. University evaluating its effectivess before tweaks are made to it.  

17/02/22: University is setting up a compulsory consent module- this has been approved, but needs to be finalised/planned.

January 2022: We are working with Yorkshire Police and Basis Yorkshire to deliver consent workshops for university students using Safer Streets funding from West Yorkshire council. Spaces for 75 students to attend (3 sessions, 25 students per session). Focus on engaging specific clubs & socs who may benefit from this training. These sessions will be delivered end of February--early March. Basis Yorkshire are also doing 'train the trainer' for consent sessions available for around 5 staff members who can then deliver future sessions. We are also working on a new online educational video around consent & healthy relationships, there will be an expectation that all students complete this but it's not going to be compulsory. One of the reasons for this is because there may be students who have experienced sexual violence where watching something like this may be a trigger.

July 2021: LUU is now part of a task and finish group within the University, which will be designing new online training regarding consent and healthy relationships. This will be a Leeds-focused and tailored package of training, and is currently being worked on. 

March 2021: With Sophia's report being approved by several members of Union and senior University staff, two new members of staff will be recruited to deliver the recommendations included in the report - one of which is the provision of consent classes. More detail here

January 2021: Sophia (Welfare Officer) is embedding this policy into the Reformed Response to Sexual Violence policy, which is currently being drafted in a report, with recommendations, to present to the Vice Chancellor and Deputy Vice Chancellor. 

November 2020: New Policy