The University should Commit to a reformed institutional-wide approach to sexual violence that is victim-survivor centred and human rights based 

Passed: November 2020 (24th)

What do you want? / Why do you want it? 

Sexual violence is a well-documented issue within Higher Education and wider society. The National Union of Students groundbreaking Hidden Marks study focused on women’ student experiences of harassment, stalking, violence and sexual assault and informs the following statistics. 1 in 4 women experience unwanted sexual contact. One third stated they feel unsafe when visiting university in the evenings. Further evidence shows that the majority of perpetrators are already known to the victim-survivor and likely to be studying at the same institution, studying the same course or even be in the same lecture theatre/ residence. Unfortunately, from experience I know that this is the reality for our students at Leeds University. These students subjected to sexual violence then risk suffering impacts on their metal wellbeing, physical, emotional health which goes on to effect their academic progression. Therefore, the University of Leeds has a duty to ensure students safety which will enable them to prosper in an educational environment that is free from harassment or violence. 

Therefore, this policy is a call to action to reform of our Dignity and Mutual Respect Policy work and for the University of Leeds to create a five-year strategic plan to tackling sexual assault. A review of the Dignity and Mutual Respect policies will be trauma-informed and survivor-centred whilst being intersectional and requiring perpetrator accountability. The policy will focus on the following areas: responding to disclosures, developing a prevention and response educational programme that is multi-faceted and holistic in delivery, an address of terminology and adjudication definitions that articulates clear sanctioning guidelines for sexual violence.  A commitment should follow that sexual violence at the University of Leeds is a crisis, which requires priority action and student-facing communications that the University is working hard to actively change the culture. This will then be translated into tangible actions and inform an understanding that we have a Zero-Tolerance culture for sexual violence.

The University of Leeds can either sustain the problem or commit to preventing the problem in their own communities by creating active guardians who will prevent and respond to sexual violence. These bystanders will then graduate and enter society with a social awareness of the issue to act on it. At present, our institution has nearly 40,000 students. Even if half of these students entered the workplace as doctors, lawyers, musicians, artists, politicians or teachers they would be taking this knowledge across different sectors. Regardless of the financial, legal and reputational risks of not embarking on this work, when we think about how the University of Leeds has the ability to influence society on a vast scale, it begs the question, why wouldn’t we address sexual violence in our institution? 

Expires: November 2023 (24th)

Submitted By: Sophia Hartley 

Officer: Wellbeing

Area of Work: Student Safety


June 2023: The University have launched the Report and Support tool, with help communicating the system from our Exec officers (Emily and Haryati). People are able to submit to the website anonymously or with their details, and the Harassment and Misconduct Team will offer support and guidance.

February 2022: Following on from Sophia’s brilliant work last year we have made amazing progress on this campaign. In the last year we have worked collaboratively with the university, police and council to address this campaign as well as supporting students during the rise of spikings in October 2021. Listed below are the projects that are underway to address this campaign:

The Student Safety Overview Panel was created to address student safety issues. The panel contains student representatives, Police and LUU/University staff representatives. The group meets to effectively communicate ongoing work on student safety concerns and map ideas and thoughts for future work.

At all LUU run club nights we search individuals upon entry. This is to deter spiking perpetrators and to deter other potential crimes. We also offer drink spikeys and toppers in our venues to help reduce the risk of spiking. Drinks can now be taken into the smoking areas so drinks do not have to be left unattended. This month we have also appointed four Wellbeing Events reps. They work at every Fruity looking out for students who need support whilst on a night out. They provide students with well-being support from losing your phone to supporting people in distress.

During October 2021, Beth (Wellbeing Officer) was invited into a task group between the Leeds Students Unions, the Police and Council to address the concerns of spiking at this time. Following the work of this group, Beth has been invited to the wider group to address Violence against Women and Girls across Leeds. 

In addition to this, LUU and the University have partnered in a regional project drawing on the Home Office’s Safer Streets Fund. The fund supports the safety of women and girls attending ten higher and further education establishments in West Yorkshire. This project provides for several initiatives. Consent training aimed at young men and boys delivered by Basis Yorkshire and active up-stander training for peers delivered by Bradford College.

The university has invested in a new Report & Support system. We are currently developing a Leeds version with content made in partnership between LUU and the University. To support the website there will be Staff appointments taking place within the University to create a team who will focus on this matter, working closely with the Help & Support Team in LUU. Once live (hopefully next semester) this will be a website to report any form of harassment, discrimination or hate, yourself or someone else has experienced. You will be able to report anonymously or report and get support from an advisor. Universities such as Manchester have similar websites which are live for reference. 

Beth (Wellbeing Officer) continues to work closely with Chris Warrington, Head of Student Support, and Andrea Kerslake, Head of Help and Support at LUU, to work on this campaign and further drive forward projects.

Please get in touch if you want to talk to anyone about something that has happened to you or someone you know:

You can have a confidential chat with an advisor in LUU by calling into the office (foyer of LUU building) or emailing We also have a Campus PC, Laura Beaton who you can contact directly 0113 343 5559,

March 2021: Sophia's report has been presented to various student groups and teams within Leeds University Union, along with several senior members of University staff. It was also received positively by the Vice Chancellor and Deputy Vice Chancellors. As a result, the University are in the process of recruiting two new members of staff in the Support Team and Student Cases Team who would be responsible for delivering the recommendations in Sophia's report and ensuring the success of this project. 

January 2021: Sophia (Welfare Officer) has drafted a comprehensive report which will outline the issue in more detail and the key recommendations for the University to act on. 

November 2020: New Policy