Should the University of Leeds offer more practical discovery modules?

Passed: May 2024 (21st)

What is the current problem, and how does it affect students?

Something which really drew me to the University of Leeds was the opportunity to take discovery modules at any point in my education here. I thought this was such a great idea to give students the chance to expand their skills and take a module in something completely unrelated to their course. I was then disappointed in my first year to see that there were no practical discovery modules offered to the expanded student body and that they were all theoretical modules, which I knew wouldn’t benefit me. 

From my year in Industry, I have learnt that employers want to hire people who have a wide breadth of skills to which they can contribute.  There have been several occasions where I have unexpectedly used my Photoshop skills within my admin-dominant role. This has helped my team and made me a valuable asset. Employers want students to be well-rounded employees who step beyond their course and learn skills out of curiosity so that they can step in and help beyond their job description.

 Only offering your students theoretical subjects as discovery modules and does not offer practical options, which stops students such as myself from learning about other practical skills, such as Graphic or Product design. This impacts students wanting to go into creative roles and subjects such as STEM, where these skills would greatly benefit. Therefore, these practical skills should be available to everyone. I know you can attain these skills outside of your course and choose modules, but I believe this should be offered for Credits and embedded into the University system to encourage it further. I want to broaden my skills within the university, and I think many others will, too. 

What is your proposed change? How will it benefit students?

To add modules to the Discovery catalogue to allow students to learn about Film Photography, filmmaking, Graphic Design, Art & Design, Screen Printing, Product Design etc, outside of their chosen subject. We can facilitate this through the new Helix Centre, which should be a part of the curriculum redefined initiative. 

Have you considered the impact of the proposed change for traditionally underrepresented student groups?

As I propose that this idea be available to all students, I don't see how anyone would be excluded from these opportunities. All should have this opportunity to study practical skills, and we should look at how all disabilities can access this teaching. These skills are useful in all areas of adult life and employability making it important to embed this into the Curriculum for the whole University. 

Expires: May 2027 (21st)

Submitted By: Lizzie Sneller

Officer: Education/Activities and Opportunities

Area of Work: Education Provision


May 24-New Policy