Should PGRs receive fair pay and conditions for the work they do at the University of Leeds?

Passed: March 2024 (14th)

What is the current problem, and how does it affect students? 

Similar to other Universities across the country, Postgraduate Researchers (PhD students) teaching are the backbone of hundreds of courses at the University of Leeds. We do the same work as university staff, but we are not afforded the same recognition, rights, protections, or pay as staff, because we are considered ‘students’. 

Currently, the University of Leeds pay 1.5 hrs of teaching preparation per 1hr of teaching if PGRs are well enough to attend and deliver the seminar. If not, at least in some schools, they’re not liable for paying the prep time. Critically this means unless you've done the teaching you don't get the preparation work paid. This isn’t fair for PGRs. 

Furthermore, not all PGRs have access to Statutory Sick Pay, so are doubly penalised if they are ill, cannot attend a seminar and don’t earn enough to qualify for Statutory Sick Pay (through National Insurance contributions). 

The alternative to not attending the seminar whilst ill would mean to potentially spread illness to others in the room, further threatening the wellbeing and safety of immunocompromised students. 

What is your proposed change? Why would this Idea benefit students? 

LUU’s continued work in pushing for better conditions for PGRs should acknowledge this problem. Leeds University Union should ask for the university to review, and hopefully standardise its approach to PGRs entitlement to sick leave.  

Have you considered the impact of the proposed change for traditionally underrepresented student groups? 

It’s incredibly important that pay and conditions, specifically relating to sick pay are reviewed to ensure that teaching as a PGR is open to people from all socio-economic backgrounds. 

Expires: March 2027 (14th)

Submitted By: Hope Bachmann

Officer: Postgraduate and International Officer

Area of Work: Postgraduate Pay and Conditions


March 24-New Policy