LUU should lobby the University to expand the range of language opportunities available for students? 

Passed: March 2023 (14th)

What do you want/Why do you want it?

I want every Leeds student to have the opportunity to learn a new language whatever their degree without the necessity for a year abroad so they can pick up new language skills without having to compromise on degree choice or timeline. While many courses have discovery modules with languages as options, this isn't available for all courses. 

Providing this option to study a language is increasingly important in an evermore globalised and interconnected world and will expand the career paths and opportunities of Leeds students. Further, learning a language can open up pathways to explore different cultures and meet and converse with new people. 

Curriculum reform is currently underway so this is a great time to gather momentum behind this idea. Note this does not mean everyone has to learn a language, it just gives those who want to the opportunity to pursue it. Learning a language as part of their degree with the university enables access to the teaching, structure and resources a language module provides. This means students can allocate enough time to actually study the language rather than relying solely on self study outside of their degree which can be challenging if you are already on 120 credits. 

Expires: March 2026 (14th)

Submitted By: Max Nowers

Officer: Education

Area of Work: Education


27/06/23: Met with Bethan. Meeting to discuss this on Curriculum Redefined through Matthew. Numerous ways this can go in terms of visibility-looking at making the Language for All modules more visible, and even host some in LUU. Could facilitate Give it a Go sessions with other languages. 

31/03/23: Meeting with Max and Matthew to be set up.