The University should provide safe and accessible library services for all students
Passed: November 2020 (24th)
What do you want? / Why do you want it?
We think that the library services should be accessible to all students and take account of difficulties students face due to the Covid19 pandemic.
Examples of student difficulties:
Shortage of core texts due to isolating students being unable to return items on time
Difficulties collating a number of items for collection on one trip to the library
Difficulties accessing campus due to: reliance on public transport, increased caring responsibilities at home
We think there are some changes which the Libraries on campus could implement which would help students who are facing these difficulties:
Offer free short-term parking places for those making infrequent trips to campus by car
Coordinate requested items and inform the student when they will be ready for collection, to prevent multiple trips to campus
Digitise all core texts to ensure that all students can access their full reading list without needing to wait for isolating students to return items which may then need to be quarantined.
LUU and the Student Exec team should work with the University to make these changes.
Expires: November 2023 (24th)
Submitted By: Carolina-Hall Rodriguez & John William Sutcliffe
Officer: Education
Area of Work: Education Service Provision
June 2023: After the success of short-term parking spaces, and the new booking system, Laidlaw is open 24 hours for those wanting access to texts for longer, and those requiring a quieter space.
April 2021: This has been ongoing work since the policy was passed. Carolina has been relaying feedback from the School Reps to Library Services on how libraries can be made more accessible. Example of changes that have been made include:
The University introduced free short-term parking spaces when going to the libraries, as this was an issue raised by many postgraduate researchers.
A new library booking system was implemented as a result of feedback from the Reps about the difficulties many of them faced in cancelling booked library spaces.
November 2020: New Policy