The University should have at least one 24 hour library that operates outside of exam periods

Passed: November 2021 (23rd)

What do you want? / Why do you want it? 

Many students work through the night due to fast approaching deadlines, having many commitments during the day (e.g. childcare, part-time work, commuting, etc), or due to working better late at night/early in the morning. By having a library open 24 hours, there is a space for these students to work when they might not have the best space or equipment to work from home. With the new library booking system, it is possible to limit a student's number of hours spent in the library. This prevents them from pulling all-nighters which are seen to be harmful to students' wellbeing.

Expires: November 2024 (23rd)

Submitted By: Meg Hodgkinson

Officer: Education 

Area of Work: University Services


June 2023: Trial was successful, and has been confirmed to Bethan that the Laidlaw will be open 24hr through summer too. 

31/03/23: Trial from January to April, waiting to see the results. It has been widely advertised, and worked in conjunction with LUU's nightbus. Also little instances of sleep etc... 

Jan 2023: It has been confirmed to Bethan that some of library spaces across campus will be open for 24 hours during the Jan 2023 exam period. Waiting to hear for official word the plan for after the exam period. 

February 2022: 24 hour computer clusters are proposed within the university, Meg (Education Officer) is still pushing for 24 hour library space.

December 2021: Meg (Education officer) proposed this idea to Masud (Uni Librarian) and Michael Fake (Head of Learning & Customer Services, Leeds University Library). Since then, a paper was written which proposed a 24 hour study space but Meg raised concerns that this was not the same as a 24 hour library. Masud and Michael are keen on the idea of a 24 hour library but have mentioned that the main obstacle is around redrafting the contracts for current library staff and working out staffing for a 24 hour library. This will remain on Meg's agenda, but in the short-term she is pressing for greater consistency and communication around library opening hours. 

November 2021: New Policy