Should LUU increase the number of student panellists that vote on Better Forums policy ideas in line with the increase in student numbers?

Passed: May 2024 (20th)

What is the current problem, and how does it affect students? 

LUU's Bye-laws state the following about the rules and function of the student panel:

' - A different student panel of 16 randomly selected members will attend each Forum meeting. The panel is responsible for voting on any Ideas which are put forward to the Forum.

- Quorum for this panel will be 12 members. 

- As far as practical this panel will be demographically representative of the membership of the Union.' 

There has been a 22% increase in student numbers since the forums were established from ~32,500 students in 2009 to ~39,000 students in 2024.

What is your proposed change? How will it benefit students?

The student panel at the Better Forums should see an increase in size proportional to the increase in the number of students at the University of Leeds. 

LUU should amend their Bye-laws to state the following:

- A different student panel of 20 randomly selected members will attend each Forum meeting. The panel is responsible for voting on any Ideas which are put forward to the Forum.

- Quorum for this panel will be 15 members. 

- As far as practical this panel will be demographically representative of the membership of the Union.' 

Expires: May 2027 (20th)

Submitted By: Emily Tabern

Officer: Union Affairs and Communications 

Area of Work: Democracy 


May 24-New Policy